Sash Windows and Accessing the Sash Weights
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Sash Windows and Accessing the Sash Weights

by u0362565 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:07 pm

Hi all,

I need to access the sash weights of my windows but i'm not able to open the jamb pocket cover. I've attached a diagram showing what i think is the shape of the cover, definitely mitred in the direction shown at the top but appears square at the bottom but something is preventing it levering out at the bottom so must be a piece behind as shown.

Any ideas of how to get it out? I'm not sure if the only thing stopping it falling into the box is the weight behind. Maybe i need to lower the upper sash down to raise the weight to be able to push the cover in, if its that weight blocking it.

The reason i want to see inside is because when i raise the lower sash i hear the weight catch on something in the box and the sash cord goes slack so the weight no longer counteracts the weight of the sash preventing me from opening it further without me holding it up. Either the weight is hitting the bottom of the box or its catching and being stopped from lowering any further.

Thanks for the help
Pocket cover-1.jpg

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