Rainwater Downpipe Dispute With Shared Ownership Landlords
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Rainwater Downpipe Dispute With Shared Ownership Landlords

by eastlondon90 » Fri Jan 17, 2020 12:50 pm

Hi all,
I've been having an argument with my shared ownership landlords L&Q about a rainwater downpipe in the front of my property - picture attached.

The problem is the downpipe just flows rainwater out onto the patio and creates mould where the water sits. My argument is that the downpipe should feed into the drain to the right side of the pipe in the picture, but L&Q claim that this is an 'air duct to ventilate the area below block and beam floor'.

I doubt their argument because surely water would be able to freely get into this if it were an air duct anyway? Also the pipe that is underneath the grate in the picture is purple - which I thought was a pipe colour used specifically for waste water.

Any professional opinions would be gratefully received because I think their excuse doesn't seem valid but I don't have enough technical know-how to fight back!

Many thanks!
Downpipe3  (2).jpg

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