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by davo
Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:54 am
Forum: Plumbing Forum
Topic: shower fault
Replies: 2
Views: 2650

hi bob, the pump is in the airing cupboard at the base of the hot water cylinder, literally right next to it. This cupboard is on the ground floor and the shower is on the first floor. As for pics I will look into posting some if i can, i assume of the pump/cylinder etc.

Thanks davo
by davo
Mon Jan 28, 2008 2:37 pm
Forum: Plumbing Forum
Topic: shower fault
Replies: 1
Views: 2400

shower fault

Hi there, I have had another go with my shower fault today and this is the state of play. I managed to get it pumping like a trojan and had a great shower, temp was great went from freezing to boiling as it should with the control valve, however to get to this stage I had to go through the following...
by davo
Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:56 pm
Forum: Plumbing Forum
Topic: shower fault
Replies: 2
Views: 2650

shower fault

Hi I am having trouble with my new shower and have run out of ideas. I have fitted a 3 way shower valve and seperate pump. The feeds to the pump are 22 mm from tank(cold) and 22mm tee'd off from top of hot cylinder. Initially all was well albeit not able to get it very cold. But after a week or so i...
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