Thanx for suggestions - I've got some 15mm polypipe somewhere so I'll just connect that between flow and return to create a circuit and as suggested, see which side gets hot first.
Many thanx
Thnx for replies guys - there's currently no rad attached and valves are turned off. Not sure of pipe run as under concrete but length will be several metres of 15mm - not sure heat will reach. Bit late after attached radiator cos need to make sure I get the TRV on right side first time.
I have a solid floor with live radiator pipes coming through - they both have identical standard valve heads on them and I want to put a radiator on - any easy way of telling which is flow and which is return?
I have a noisy pump in my combi boiler - sounds like air in it - any views on how I can get it out - trying to get hold of a heating guy at this time of year is pretty hard and I'm sure it must be a fairly simple job.