I am building a lean to down the side of my house. Timber frame supporting polycarbonate roof. Has anyone got any experience with the butyl based flashing over the bitumen based ones?
I have been looking at some Berry Alloc laminate to cover the downstairs of my house, so heavy traffic and kitchen areas. Does anyone have any experience of Berry Alloc? Not a huge amount of reviews via the power of Google. This is the sort of thing:
I have just bought a 1970's house with no loft insulation or no ventilation. I need to address both. How many 70mm soffit vents should I install approximately? 1 per 1m, 1.5m, 2m etc? I know the best solution would be roof vents, but that is a bit beyond me. I want to install gable end vents, but Go...
I am going to lay a concrete slab that is 9' x 17' and approximately 6inches deep. I am following the guidelines in one of the diydoctors how to projects. The question is though, should I lay the base in two sections and if so, what is the best approach to take? :? I am ordering pre-mix concrete and...
Doctor! I have a pain and it is in my detached garage. Or rather my new detached garage-to-be. I will be putting up a new garage, concrete base and all, and I want to use part of it as a utility room. This means I need to get water and electricity out to it. What advice and tips can you offer for ge...