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by neil17
Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:11 am
Forum: Lofts and Loft Conversions Forum
Topic: Loft Conversion: Stuck on Universal Columns - DIY Forum
Replies: 6
Views: 4400


cheers stoneyboy I managed to get hold of my structural engineer at last and he confirmed its just cut at required angle and fully butt welded problem over thanks for the help regards neil
by neil17
Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:25 pm
Forum: Lofts and Loft Conversions Forum
Topic: Loft Conversion: Stuck on Universal Columns - DIY Forum
Replies: 6
Views: 4400

steels with bent legs

cheers stoneyboy, sorry taken so long to reply. great idea. I,m a steel fabricator myself but not usually houses so not familiar with exact way of doing it, I've got ideas but as usual I'd like to do it the standard way to avoid any problems with conformity. I can do the work myself if I can see how...
by neil17
Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:03 pm
Forum: Lofts and Loft Conversions Forum
Topic: Loft Conversion: Stuck on Universal Columns - DIY Forum
Replies: 6
Views: 4400

cutting joists

thanks stoneyboy, problem is i cant just slot the joists, the steels need to go through the full depth of the joists to be able to sit on the outer wall. To cut them I need to brace the roof and wall plates. Without bracing the wall plates tying them together somehow I sure the walls would spread !!...
by neil17
Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:49 pm
Forum: Lofts and Loft Conversions Forum
Topic: Loft Conversion: Stuck on Universal Columns - DIY Forum
Replies: 6
Views: 4400

Loft Conversion: Stuck on Universal Columns - DIY Forum

hi there all, the question I am stuck on is the universal columns need to go at the same height as the current joists but unfortunately the steels need to run at right angles to the joists. so i need to remove all the joists to install the steels HOW??. I cant put the steels above the joists because...
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