Hi, I've got NIC inspection coming up shortly, any tips? Is it a complete nightmare or a relatively painless procedure. What should I expect and should I be nervous? Any comment greatly received. Cheers Steve.
Hi, as I previously mentioned, I'm about to have my NICEIC Inspection. Any tips? Is it a complete nightmare or a relatively pain free process. Think I might be blowing it out proportion but is there any need to be nervous? Cheers Steve.
Thanks for your help guys, thought that was the situation. Whilst on the NICEIC inspection, any tips? is it a nightmare or a fairly pain free process? Cheers Steve.
Hi, I'm about to do my major NICEIC application job, which will be replacing a consumer unit. Is it acceptable to not pull the main 100A fuse (which is tagged) therefore not getting the local electrical authority involved. I've got High voltage gauntlets, so is it acceptable to use these? Thanks for...