Hi granto1986,
Yes remove them but you may have to provide an alternative means of support for the felt/tiles e.g.a strip of ply along the eaves edge.
Regards S
Hi flipflop808, The most likely cause is condensation forming at the top of the chimney. Warm air will rise up the chimney and when it gets to the cold bricks in the loft condensation will form. Try putting a very thick layer of fibre type insulation over the chimney. It will take many months for an...
Hi lhdad, Thanks for the extra information and pictures, these lead to further questions: Does your neighbours have a chimney and was it lowered to roof level as part of their roof replacement Your picture shows a roof covered in concrete tiles, is this the area above the party wall Was the undersla...
Hi lhdad, It is difficult to diagnose possible problems without further details: What is the other side of the damp wall. Is it a single brick thick Does the wall extend up into the loft If the wall is a party wall does it extend up above roof level What type of tiles are on the roof Is the flat roo...
Hi mcauleyalan, A sheet of clear plastic will protect the area to the side of the loo, fix at the top only using mirror screws so it can be removed for cleaning. This will not protect the skirtings nor the hole in the rear wall at pan level which will be a tenting target for those bored with the pan...
Hi fapoo, Provided you have a 60cm wide hole an integrated dishwasher will fit, it will have the added advantage that it will be designed so that a door can be fitted to the front. Check that the sink taps are located inside the unit under the sink, also you may have to remove any clips fitted in th...
Hi millsy5,
That’s a bit unfortunate, suggest since you will end up with a sandy mix if you use both sand and ballast, make it 1:2:2. Depending on the amount of clay in your building sand you may find the concrete surface not very durable so some form of covering may be needed.
Regards S
Hi ljh, Whether these vents are still necessary will depend on your lifestyle eg do you dry clothes in the bedrooms, are the window always closed and do they have trickle vents. You could try sealing them up by fitting hit and miss grilles in place of the Louvre type vents. This will allow you to op...
Hi pablito, It is difficult to envisage the proposed geometric arrangement of the gates, steel piers, block wall and the gate operator. Once the gates are partly open the operator will be pulling sideways to the wall. Your proposal to build in a steel box may well work but you will be introducing a ...
Hi millsy5,
It looks like your gravel is actually Type 1 fill, if so, this is not suitable for a concrete mix.
If you are assured by your supplier that it is gravel I suggest you use a 2:3:4 mix.
Regards S
Hi pablito,
From your description it sounds like the gate hinges are centrally mounted in the posts/walls. Suggest you resite the hinges so that the operating mechanism will be outside the wall. Cutting a channel you describe in a 6ft wall is a recipe for a disaster.
Regards S
Hi millsy5, Due to the very irregular edge to the concrete under the shed walls a plastic sheet will not sit flat, will not support the concrete above it and will probably be pierced when you walk around laying the concrete. Use bits of roof tiles to raise the weld mesh above the base fill and cut t...
Hi millsy5, Have a look on line for weld or fabric mesh, it usually comes in flat sheets. See what your local builders merchants have in stock. A wicker plate is fine for compacting fine materials but will run on top of coarse rubble, better to use a club hammer and make sure compaction is even, ok ...