Shower Turns on by Itself After I Have Turned it off?
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Shower Turns on by Itself After I Have Turned it off?

by Species » Fri May 20, 2016 5:39 am

Hi, i have just moved in to a properly that has an electric shower and it does something i haven't seen before in others. I get out, turn it off, then it seems to switch itself on for a second or two, then turn itself off.

It doesn't happen every time and only just after ive used it (not hours later or at random times).

Its a redring expressions 5005.

I'm a little worried that i might be in danger of electrocution if it is turning itself on because of a short, but i have no idea if that's what's causing the problem.

Before i get someone out i wondered if anyone had come across this before?

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Re: Shower Turns on by Itself After I Have Turned it off?

by Redpanda » Fri May 20, 2016 7:27 pm


I don't really know about your problem shower but have you switched the electricity supply to the power shower off after you are finished?

Eg cut all electric going to the shower?

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Re: Shower Turns on by Itself After I Have Turned it off?

by JeffGreen » Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:33 pm

It could be that its simply pushing the water that was going threw the pipe out instead of that going back to the water tank (if that makes sense) if you still arent sure i would say to get an electrician or a plumber to take a good look at it. (Sorry if any spelling is off)

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