by sparx »
Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:04 am
Hi, as Eric correctly says, it is your responsibility to notify LABC if work is to be done by unregistered person either yourself or an unregistered leckie. The notification has to be done, with fee paid BEFORE any work is started, so he has broken the law by doing the work.
However in attempting to get a cheap (cash?) job done by an unregistered person I presume you have no proof who did the work?
It is a requirement of the IET regs. BS7671 that any work done must have a cert. issued but if you try to get 'official' with him it could bite you on the bum!!!
Best way out would be to cough up for work, get cert. [making sure his details on them correct] then you can go to LABC and complain he told you he was registered, also if he issues certs with a trade logo on then complain to them.
You would be doing all us fee paying legal Leckies a favour, I won't hesitate to drop 'em in the brown & smelly stuff myself, we are dearer for this very reason & you gets what you pay for!!