Hi, we are about to embark upon redoing our bathroom, we have bought a Triton Antares shower but are unsure about the type of hot water system we have. I have been searching around and found loads of info but am still not quite sure which applies. We live in a flat (about 15years old) and our water is heated at night by immersion heater and stored in a fortic super seven tank. Having read all the descriptions I can't decide whether we have a direct/indirect, vented/unvented system - as the hot water pressure isn't equal to the cold especially in the kitchen where it is pathetic at best but the cold is fine. I need to know because I can't work out what the pressure is as we don't have a header tank so working out metres of head is inapplicable. The instructions say we need to fit a pressure reducing valve if cold supply is mains fed (which it is - currently supplying a dodgy electric shower). After all that waffle basically what I need to know is:
1)what type of hot water system do I have?
2) will this shower be suitable?
3)do I need the pressure reducing valve and if so where do I fit it along the pipework?
Any answers greatfully received!!!
Thanks! :?