I just moved into a new house a few months ago and I'm trying to increase the kitchen space to make it a bit bigger for a dining area.
The problem is the current position of the boiler. At present it is against the wall that runs along the side of the house and this is right in what I would like to be the dining area, so I would like to get this moved.
What I would like to know is what are the general corgi rules with positioning a boiler. Is it possible to move it further along the side wall, nearer the back wall or would this be too close to the back door which would be about a foot away from it? Could it go into the larder cupboard or is ventilation a problem?
Anyone got any other ideas? I know it's going to cost a little bit to move this but don't really want to fork out a fortune.
Also, as the vent on the boiler currently goes out the side of the house, would there be problems if I wanted to build a garage onto the side of the house? Just anything I need to think about with regards future plans would be appreciated.