by sparx »
Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:57 pm
under latest regs to do a straight forward fitting replacement even in a kitchen does not need anything else,
however as soon as it involves altering wiring position as you seem to need doing in the bathroom then the circuit must have RCD protection as a minimum. This could just mean changing the circuit MCB to an RCBO, however if the consumer unit is more than a few years old this won't be possible & other options may be to reroute the circuit via a stand alone RCD in the area of the consumer unit or if not practical it would indeed require a replacement con. unit.
We are daily faced with such a position and the customers always think we are looking for extra work, unfortunately as enforced members of any government scheme, which we have to be, we have to play by the book,
I for one don't need to 'jack-up' work as we are booked up until end of October,
sorry but how it is,
regards SPARX