by kevinfoot »
Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:53 am
Hi David
I do this for a living and you are right to scrap the wallpaper stripper.
You need to purchase a "paper tiger" which is a hand held paper scorer (the wheels have angles spikes to perforate the surface)
Also, you need to buy a bottle of "zinsser DIF wallpaper stripper solution" Google "" and search their site.
Simply score the walls with the paper tiger (approx 10 mins per wall) and apply the diluted (warm water) DIF to the paper. I use a pro-paint sprayer but a garden sprayer or paint roller will suffice. Note: Use a mask if you spray and dont use a too finer spray.
Keep wetting the paper until it is soaking. Then soak it some more. Then when you think its wet enough, soak it some more!
Leave the paper soaking and the DIF gets in behind the painted paper and dissolves the paste.
We have just done a 5m square room. After a massive soaking it took 2 of us literally 10 mins to strip the whole room. The paper comes off in full strips.
Wear a face mask
Soak it some more. Dont be tempted to start too early
The paper tiger is about £10, the DIF is about £8 at trade decorators merchants
Kevin Foot