PVC Window lock problem
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PVC Window lock problem

by McLovin28 » Mon Dec 22, 2008 3:52 pm

I'm having a couple of problems with my windows that I would like help with, I must say that I have no experience with windows but I'm pretty good at general diy.

1. I have a cracked window that I would like to replace but I'm not sure how I would remove and replace the beading.
2. How do I measure for a new window as I know a place that makes them and when I gave rough calculations it was only going to cost me £30 and for a company to replace the window it was going to cost me £200!!!!!


3. Another window I have seems to have a broken lock, it wont open, when I open the handle, it seems like the bolt unlocks on the right side but it is still locked on the left side. When I remove the handle to look at it the locking mechanism inside the window (second picture below) moves about freely (not sure if this is supposed to be like that). So how do I get the window open? I'm not bothered if it doesn't lock again aslong as it opens and closes as its the toilet window!!!!


These pictures are pictures of the lock on a different window which I assume will be the same


When the handle moves down two bolts come from the end of the frame and also a bolt goes down just underneath the handle

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by stoneyboy » Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:34 pm

DGU's are replaced by pulling out the rubber beading on the inside of the window, pushing the window inwards (from the outside) and levering out the angled beading on the outside - the sides generally come out first. You can then measure the actual size of the DGU. Lift out the DGU to measure how thick it is.
Try putting a screwdriver (which locks in the hole) in the middle hole of the brassed lock mechanism you can see in your pic 005. Turn it and if this does not actuate anything the swivelling part has gone awol and you will have to try to retrieve it. If this releases the lock lever next to the handle but not the shoot bolts it is likely that the yoke is no longer in place and you will have to try to retrieve it with some bent wire.

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by TheDoctor5 » Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:41 am

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