identifying hot water system
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identifying hot water system

by trawets » Sun May 24, 2009 3:00 am

please someome help. I have located a small leak coming from a pipe(not at a joint) This pipe comes from the bottom of a small tank. I think but do not know for sure that it is the feed/ expansion pipe for heating system.At present I have tied up the ball cock in this tank.I want to cut out and replace leaking area of this pipebut do not know what exactly i woud have to drain down to do this.I am also having problems working out what type of hot water tank(cant spell cylinder) I have. It is indirect and would appear to be vented but ther is no other storage tank apart from the small one. If this hot watr cylinder is feed from the mains surely it would have to be un vented. I am confused and also a bad speller.Any help would be appreciated .

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by rosebery » Sun May 24, 2009 10:10 pm

Can you host some pictures at imageshack and link to them in a post here?


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by bd3cc » Sun May 24, 2009 10:47 pm

If it the smaller of 2 plastic tank in your loft, it is almost certainly the CH header.
Tie up the ballvalve so it does not refill, drain via G/f drain valve or rad, so that water is below loft level, replace and refill.

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