Dunelm Blind Fixing?!?!?!
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Dunelm Blind Fixing?!?!?!

by paulevansuk » Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:52 pm

Hi there,

I just bought a cheapo blackout roller blind from Dunelm, and I can NOT for the life of me work out how the bracket attaches to the blind. I'm at the point of taking it back (or setting fire to it) but I don't want to give up without a fight...!

Despite having already put up eight other blackout blinds in my house over the years, and having a degree in Mathematics and Computing, I cannot see how this blo*dy bracket attaches...! It's not like any one I've seen before, and the instructions are so small and vague that they are useless. Pictures are here...

These are the two bits which fit to the wall...

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paul_evans ... et%201.jpg

They obviously fit together like this, though I suspect the white bit is just a cover, and not functional...

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paul_evans ... et%202.jpg

And the fixing on the blind part looks like this...

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paul_evans ... et%203.jpg

Now...I know I have no parts missing, since the bits I have match the tiny parts list they gave me.

Has anyone put one of these up, or can anyone see how they fit together?

Thanks in advance


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by rosebery » Sat Jul 04, 2009 6:48 pm

Its fairly obvious to me that the circular part of the blind fits over the bent bit of the bracket as I have shown here:

http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1017 ... orwhat.jpg


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Dunelm blind fixing

by krigare » Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:20 pm

Hi Paul, I have exactly the same problem - the bits don't appear to fit together. Nice idea from Rosebery but it doesn't work because the winding end doesn't turn if you put the plastic part (that fits into the tube) over the metal bit as per his/her diagram. I'll try to find out who the manufacturer is cos I'm pretty sure the sales assistants in Dunelm won't have a clue.... I'll post again if I discover anything.

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by krigare » Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:35 pm

On second thoughts it seems that if you put the plastic end bits between the top of the bracket the bit that sticks out of the metal bracket (so it's underneath the plastic end bit rather than in its centre, everything works. Not very obvious and not as secure as the old fixing used to be ... See what you think

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by krigare » Mon Jul 06, 2009 2:39 pm

On third thoughts, that doesn't work either. It's sort of ok for the winder end but not the other end. Back to plan A to try Dunelm again

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by paulevansuk » Mon Jul 06, 2009 6:55 pm

Hmmm....well I went back to Dunelm yesterday with the intention of inserting it into some part of the managers body (I was pretty cross), only to be shown how it all fits together by a bespectacled twelve year girl who works in soft furnishings.

Apparently...the metal bits just push into the centre of both of the white pieces....something which I had actually tried, as you had, and failed. It goes against all logic, and every instinct in your body, but it's the right way, I am assured.

"Yes", I said, "but if you put the metal bit in the middle of the turny bit it stops the blind rotating...".

"No it doesn't", said the Dunelm child, "look...". She then proceded to pull on the cord, and the blind unravelled. Apparently the centre bit stays still, whilst the rest of the blind rotates around it.


So...the answer is, force them with all of your might into the middle of both the bits.

I've not put the blind up yet, but I am assured this is the way.

All of that said, this is the worst blind assembly I have ever had the misfortune to have not yet put up.

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Dunelm blind fixing

by krigare » Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:59 am

Well, there's a thing ... I'm not sure whether our store has a 12 year old blind girl 8) but it's saved me finding out. The only worry is that as soon as I've cut the blind to fit I won't be able to take it back for a refund but I guess managerial insertion will still be an option.
I'll let you know how it goes and whether our local Dunelm staff can still walk straight by the end of the day.

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by rosebery » Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:19 pm

"Nice idea from Rosebery but it doesn't work because............."

"So...the answer is, force them with all of your might into the middle of both the bits."

Oh it seems I was right then!


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Dunelm blind fixing

by krigare » Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:09 am

Sad but true Rosebery. It certainly didn't look as though you were when you have the bits in your hands. It still doesn't look too robust but who can argue with the insight of the Chinese designers - until the whole thing falls off the wall when you pull too hard. Must be why Chinese hoses prefer curtains...

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crazy dunelm blind fixing!

by girlyfun-diy » Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:20 pm

After much confusion over the blind fixing me and my partner decided we would admit defeat and do an internet search, we were sure there must have been a peice missing because if not then surely between us we could of figured it out! SURELY!


Obviously not and now after reading this (whilst crying with laughter) it is clear that the bespectacled young 12 year old knows best!
She sure showed us now didnt she! :oops:

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Dunelm roller effing blind fitting!!

by mrcydixon » Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:37 pm

After sitting and looking at the parts of the roller blind for 2 whole hours, here is a warning, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE LOGIC!

Fit your metal brackets onto the wall to the exact size.

Push your white end plug and control wheel end into the roller blind.

Push the star shape of the control wheel into the pertruding metal bracket.

http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1017 ... orwhat.jpg

(Trust us!!)

Insert the spring loaded end of roller onto the other pertruding metal bracket.


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by Morton » Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:33 pm

This thread has been a life-saver - I couldn't figure it out either as I was reluctant to fit the blind not knowing how it worked.

Now it's up it makes sense.

However, the control wheel rotates, is it supposed to be fixed?

It's not a problem when lowering the blind but raising it is a problem as the control wheel rotates back the other way and the tension stops the beads going into the wheel.

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dunelm blind

by deb1511 » Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:39 pm

Thank you so so much I have been having the same problem away to try it now will let you's know isnt it against the law for someone of the age of 12 to work :lol: :lol:



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by harveyj » Sun Oct 25, 2009 5:41 pm

Sunday afternon, just watched MUFC lose to Liverpool so what could be worse. I can tell you - Trying to fit a £20.00 Dunelm Blind to my dauughter's bedroom window.

So after 20 minutes of thinking of I must be stupid, I too thought I will not give up. The instructions must be amongst some of the worst I have ever read and I still have not come to terms with the "measure between brackets less 26 mm (or about that) then cut along whole length of the blind. What part of the bracket am I going to take the measurement from? It surely does not say in the blind instructions! It actually says very little of any use in fact.

So having not yet made "the cut", I am going to do the most sensible thing you can do with rubbish, I am going to return it and get a refund. The next blind I buy may cost more, may be better quality , but the instructions will be fully understood before I take the blind home. I will let Dunelm know they have a problem which has hit the internet, but will they update their instructions? I doubt it, but that is their loss!

Many thanks to paulevansuk & krigare for taking the time to post this problem. I have been an engineer for over 30 years and have seen no instructions as bad as these and few items of daily used household equipment of such poor build quality.

A few may may read and say the problem was really mine and not really Dunelms. But the truth is I pay the money and expect more and better. If you do not get this when you buy something, just return it and get a refund.

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by lgaylor » Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:49 pm

mrcydixon you are a life saver - have spent over two hours trying to work out how to fix this blind - had lost the instructions and was going to dump it (couldn't take it back as bought it months ago) it was the spring loaded bit that did it. Can't thank you enough (although haven't yet completed job but at least don't feel suicidal about it now)

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