Hi every one,
looking for some assistance from the more experienced ones of you out there. Changed a consumer unit the other day, tested what i could and left it at that for the day. That evening got a phone call saying the electric had gone off,asked the customer what they had done, they told me it was when they turned on the toilet light.Electric was reset and left till the morning. Next day started to fault find, found that both RCD'S were tripping which led me to look at the cpc. Found a junction box and seperated every thing done a continuity check form MCB to j/b to find live feed ,turned on power to j/b then started to probe around the rest of the disconected wires.
I found that when i conected the cpc from the c/u to one of the disconected cpc's at j/b i was getting 36 volts and 50 htz, on another i was getting an even higher reading still with 50 htz. Then there were a couple of cpc's that had low voltage with zero htz, like wise when tested across the neutral so now i know why the RCD'S were tripping, or so i thought. Took off all the light switches looked at all the ceiling roses and everything seems fine.running out of time i decided to put evey thing back togeather,now this is where i'm really confused between the cpc and neutral threre is no longer any voltage.Am i missing something here,could someone explain why i no loner have any voltage across cpc and neutral now its all reconected .
Many thanks in advance