by Paul Davies »
Thu Oct 15, 2009 6:48 am
[quote="danetreedave"]Hi, im having to switch on my central heating to get any hot water and with the heating on only the upstairs rads get hot! I have an open vented system, could anyone suggest what the problem might be?
[/quote] You may have a problem with your Motorised Valve or if you have 2, one of them may not be opening when you swithch the water on unlikely though due to the fact you have hot water when heating is on. Your downstairs heating may be zoned with a Motorised Valve or if you have 8mm or 10mm Microbore, you may need to balance out the system by closing of fully the rad valve not the thermostatic one the other side, then opening them just one full turn. if you have 15mm pipes going to the upstairs rads, the run will favour the larger pipes rather than the 10mm.