Help - Selling house and no planning permission
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Help - Selling house and no planning permission

by digs » Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:59 pm

Hi, I am new to the forum and am in need of help and advice.

My mum is in the final process of selling her house. She has been asked by her buyers solicitors to provide:
- planning and building regulations consents for the alterations. Should the same not be available then please provide us with a suitable lack of planning and building regulations consents imdemnity insurance policy at the sellers expense.
- provide us with the consent of the Council to the alterations as required by the transfer dated january 1987. Should the same not be available please provide us with a breach of covenant imdemnity insurance policy at the sellers expense.

The alterartions to the house that were made were:
- rear single storey extension onto the lounge, a brick built flat roofed room (making the lounge a through lounge) the room measures 3.61m x 3.25m. Approx erected 1997.
- plastic roofed utility room backing onto the kitchen measuring 3.66m x 1.70. Approx erected 1995.
- plastic roofed conservatory attatched onto the utility room, measuring 3.35m x 2.06m. Approx erected 2007.

No planning permission was sought for any of the alterations as the builder that was used said it was inside the regulated limits.

A friend has said that as the utility room and conservatory are plastic roofed and wood framed (brick walled) they do not need planning permisson anyway.

My mum is obviously worried now about what she should do. Any help and advise would be great.

Sorry about the long post! Thanks

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Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:02 am

Help- Selling house and no planning permission

by jimhet » Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:31 am

Your friend and your builder are most likely correct regarding the need for planning permission, the extension probably fell within permitted development rights, however LABC would/should have been notified about the extension, in order for them to oversee things like depths of footings, dampcourse[s] and insulation etc. A phone call to your LABC, telling them the address and date should clarify the situation.

Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:31 pm

by digs » Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:33 pm

Thank you for your help.

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