by vjratne1740 »
Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:23 am
[quote="susan goodwin"]Have fitted a new syphon and now there is a leak from the wing nuts holing the pan to the cistern - the nuts are tight.
Have I fitted the doughnut washer correctly? should it be like an upturned umbrella (as I have fitted it) or like a parachute with the rounded half at the top. Alterativeley is there more than one size of doughnut as maybe I have the wrong one.
I have a similar pblem. I hope this is correct which I think, I am using this method this week end. Take the Bolt (long nail like thing) to the hand, first insert the metal washer, then rubber washer, set the cistern on the comodote so that holes are properly set (ceramic to ceramic) now insert the readied bolt into the hole from inside the sistern. Then from the bottom side of the commode, insert a metal washer then the butterfly nut and turn it holding bolt from inside. Hand tight + little more would do the trick. Avoid silicone use which will make it difficult to remove. If still leaks tighten little more - becaureful not to crack the ceramic - do not overtighten. Good Luck! If it works or not let me know. If the holes are too big u will to get a little broader nut+bolt + washers to match the size.