When the house I'm in was reovated there was provision left for wall lights to be installed either side of the chinmey brest in the main sitting room. The sparks left the wiring in place. I have now got the lights but am unsure about the wiring. The way the wiring i:
1. On the left side of the chinmey brest there are two grey wires coming out of the wall. One is a 2 core and earth cable(blue, brown and bare wire), the other is a single grey cable carrying a brown wire that is live when the light switch is turned on, the 2 core and earth cable carries no current when the light switch is on.
2. On the right side of the chinmey brest there are 3 separate wires, a 2 core and earth cable(blue, brown and bare wires), a single grey wire carrying a blue wire and another earth wire(green and yellow). With the light switch turned on there is no current in any of these wires.
The only wire that is presently carring a live current when I turn on the light switch is the single brown wire on the left side of the chinmey brest. Can anyone advise how I might go about ionstalling the 2 light fittings.