Painting smooth render
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Painting smooth render

by toplondonchef » Thu May 19, 2011 11:11 pm

Some advice please from those in the know would be greatly appreciated re. the following;

Had my house rendered a couple of years ago with a nice smooth finish and I'm intending to paint this summer but firstly;

Thought that I had to seal the render first with stabilising solution prior to painting but have been told by a couple of decorators that using stabilising solution isn't neccesary, just thin down the masonry paint with water, as you would with emulsion to mist coat raw plaster then two topcoats of quality masonry paint

Secondly, there are several hairline cracks in the render, the render is solid and not blown. I assumed that these cracks would have to be filled but not sure what to use as I want to end up with the same texture and finish once the wall is painted. When using an external filler, the texture of the render around the crack changes when filling the crack as the render also becomes full of filler. I'm concerned that this will show once painted

Again I've been told that fine hairline cracks don't need filling, just work plenty of masonry paint into the crack using a stiff brush then paint over as normal either with a brush or roller

I'm a really fussy DIY decorator and after spending a fair amount on the rendering, I want to end up with a good finish

Your thoughts please ?
Kind regards

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by chris_on_tour2002 » Sat May 21, 2011 9:15 am

all the advice you've been given thus far is sound.

no point even trying to fill those hairline cracks - you won't make it look good and blend in seamlessly and they'll only reappear anyway.

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by toplondonchef » Sun May 22, 2011 6:38 pm

Thanks Chris for the prompt reply and now another few of questions if I may !

What would be the dilution rate for the 1st coat to seal the render - I was thinking of 25% water ?

After sealing, is it best to deal with all the cracks 1st and work in the masonry paint to fill then leave to dry, applying more if the cracks are still visable then 2 topcoats over the whole lot

Brush or roller on smooth render ? any difference or just pure personnal choice

Many thanks Chris

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by JRS » Tue May 24, 2011 6:08 pm

Dont expect perfection unless you get a decorator to do the job.

I would use a sheepskin roller, and thin the paint 70/40 70 being water. if its waterbased masonry paint. 1 thin coat then a slightly thinned coat followed by a full coat should do the job.

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by theshedman » Wed May 25, 2011 11:49 am

Hi toplondonchef, good advice been given and the only thing I would add is about the stabilising solution. You should not need to use this unless it had been done before and areas of it were peeling or flaking which this being new it won't be. And would agree with JRS and use good quality sheepskin roller and give good coats not really thin ones and if you find that the one full coat does not cover fully then give it a further coat because if it looks slightly thin now then in a couple of months it will only look worse. Good luck.

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by toplondonchef » Wed May 25, 2011 3:07 pm


Thanks for the info re dilution rate and painting, also do you have any advice on dealing with the hairline cracks as mentioned in my post

Interesting quote re decorators and perfection.......

I'm only a DIYer agreed but on a number of occasions, after using so called professionals, have ended up with a rubbish job, service, uncompleted work, threats of court cases and everything inbetween.
This is after carefully selecting the tradesperson, following recomendations, viewing previous work and yes, not taking the cheapest quote to save a few ££
This has included (but not limited to) builders, plasterers, renderers, decorators. Maybe I've just been unlucky and I know that this problem is very common nowdays, thats why I now try to do all DIY myself because if I don't know something, I will read up on the subject and ask around and only complete when feel confident. You may say that this is no substitute for years of experiance in the trade but I have a good work ethic and high standards when it comes to work and DIY
You of course get people with years of experiance, training etc and they still do a crap job !
Anyway, enough of my rant, all advice greatfuly recieved and thank you
Now how about those cracks.......

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by chris_on_tour2002 » Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:09 am

honestly mate the best thing that you can do with those hairline cracks is learn to live with them - any attempt at filling will probably only result in making them look worse. it's easier to fix a larger crack than a small one.

unless you can be bothered to go to the length of re-rendering. and even then they'll probably reappear somewhere else, then you're on a hiding to nothing.

or you can find an exterior grade lining paper? how about woodchip? ;)

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by toplondonchef » Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:26 pm

Thanks chris for the advice re rendering cracks

Certainly wont be having the house re-rendered as was done just 2 years ago and really is a brilliant job
I guesse that the cracks are not down to the renderers, just usual building movement

After the advice given I will just work plenty of paint into the cracks, using good quality paint - probably dulux weathersheild

Good point about the exterior grade paper, may go with that and then topcoat with a nice tartan paint - cheers mate !

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