by ericmark »
Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:51 pm
Working out exactly what you have is a problem so I may have this wrong but I would expect there to be two cables going into junction box to complete the ring.
Yes there is a limit to cable length. A final ring to BS7671:2008 would be limited to maximum of 106 meters of cable. Before 2008 it was less. There are a number of things which determine the length which include volt drop (Limited to 5%) and impedance (1.44 ohms with standard final ring).
When you alter any electrical circuit you should complete either a minor works certificate or an installation certificate and these require you to test things like earth loop impedance.
I know most DIY people do not test their work but this does not make it right.
The rules can get complex. Even electricians argue about what they mean the 3 meter maximum (434.2.1) being one often brought up. There are three ways to supply a socket.
1) Final ring circuit normally fused to 32A
2) Radial circuit normally less than 30A
3) Spur fused at termination rather than source normally 13A
What it seems you are doing is turning a final ring into two radial circuits which would likely mean the 32A MCB would need changing for a 20A MCB. Unless something is done either ensuring still a ring or reduced overload size then there is a risk of fire.
Once a final ring is split there is also an impedance problem and it may result in the MCB even at 20A being too big. As the total for radials is not half of the cable used for ring but far less.
I really do think you need to bite the bullet on this one and get some one who can do the testing required. Even to hire the test equipment for a week (normal min hire time) costs around £75 so likely cheaper to get some one to do it for you.