is it possible to use EPS 70 polystyrene insulation in a warm flat roof, with timber deck. If so what thickness would be needed to achieve a U value to satisy building control, or is PIR rigid insulation the only option. Also can edpm be layed on top of this, or wpould anpother ;layer of plywood be needed?
ask the maufacturers if their product can be used in this application, speak to their technical department. they may require a sketch of teh detail to help them answer your questions.
King span supply a insulated board which comes with a plywood surface so it's ready for rubber or felt to be applied. If your interested I can put you in touch with my suppliers.
We have classic cold loft insulation installed in the plain of roof pitch due to warm roof.Since we already had insulation before this so less than 100mm depth of insulating material is used.