by ericmark »
Mon Mar 14, 2016 2:51 pm
Very good answer, I have read the post and could not really suggest a method around the problem, I know once answered likely no one else will look at the post so held back.
There is a problem with home electrics in that most DIY people do not inspect and test. For a quick easy test the EZ150 Martindale seems a good compromise I would not use one as I have a full test set, but the EZ150 does test loop impedance so does a reasonable test.
MK sockets are designed to take 2 x 4mm and one 2.5mm cable so even on a 32A radial you can take a spur, but in many the holes are smaller. Non are rated at more than 3 cables as the regulations would not allow it. Deep socket boxes do help and you can get spaces so the socket sticks out slightly from the wall giving just a little more space.
Since sockets should all take 3 x 2.5mm cables to have two terminals would likely not conform with the standard as you would need to be able to fit at least two x 2.5 in the hole and likely 4mm and 2.5mm where used on a radial this would make the socket a bit chunky to take that.
I would say if the wires do not fit an MK socket then there is something wrong.