by Arthurdaily »
Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:32 pm
Hi, I was wondering if anybody can help. I have been offered an old cottage at a reasonable price in Devon. It is a two storey house built pre 1802, but I'm not sure when before that. The house is generally good - of cob construction, but from the outside the roof looks bowed. The owner assures me everything is fine with the roof - in fact he has had the slates and membrane replaced a few years ago, and says that the timber was found to be good, and the wood worm was treated. He built, however, an attic room in the roof space - meaning most of the timber roof structure can't be seen or accessed... BUT there is a small entry to get at a ventilation pipe... so I took pictures through it at what wood I could see. All Im asking for on here is whether anybody thinks this looks 'ok' or really bad. I will of course get a pro to look at it, but based on what people say on here, I will choose either a surveyor, a roofer or a structoral engineer! Here are a selection of pictures.