Hi I'm new to the forum but I'm having a bit of a sleepless night over my Brick Wall.
Basically I have moved into a new house 6 months ago which was the end house which is next to a walkway. Along my front garden which leads up to my front door has been a 6ft fence for the full length of the garden. However in 6 months I have had to replace 6 fence panels TWICE due to vandalism. Now these fence panels have been this height for over 20yrs as I new the previous owner of the property. So I decided to have a stepped Breeze Block Wall running in 3 stages from 4ft at the bottom of the garden to 5ft in the middle then 6ft where my front door is so no one just walking past can see in through my front door and worse still vandalise it. So this Wall has been erected for 2 weeks and this weekend I was due to have the coping stones fitted and the wall rendered to match the house. However this morning 24th May a guy from the planning office comes round and says there's been a complaint about my Wall. He took photos and measured the wall and then told me I had to reduce the wall to a maximum height of 1m from the garden level. Now this is ok for the bottom half of my garden but for where my front door is it leaves it totally exposed to vandalism and gives me no privacy. How do I stand on contesting this. My argument being there has been a fence up there for over 20 yrs that was higher than my wall and where the wall is at its highest by my front door the height of the fence is the same all the way to the top of my garden which runs adjacent to this walkway?
Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.