A Little Advice on Internal Supports for a Potential Slipping Roof Please
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A Little Advice on Internal Supports for a Potential Slipping Roof Please

by AdamP » Mon Jun 26, 2017 8:52 am

Hello all,

I'm looking for a little advice please. I have a series of wooden supports that go horizontally across the inside of my roof (as shown in the pictures). When I bought my house, I was told that these were installed to prevent the roof from slipping out, which makes sense.
My question is, is it a relatively simple job of moving these support (one at a time) to floor level in order for me to build a floating floor above the supports and to get the most out of the space?
As I understand it, the current arrangement is there to relieve stress due to the weight of the roof and to counteract any wind effects. As the force of the supports act inwards, I think I am correct in saying that the lower down they are, they less shear stress will be imparted and the more effective they will be.

Thank you for your time.

Current waist/chest level supports
Current waist/chest level supports
Current support connections
Current support connections

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