Replace Battery for a Channel Plus XL NLH37 Newlec Heating Controller
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Replace Battery for a Channel Plus XL NLH37 Newlec Heating Controller

by Haaz » Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:44 pm

The back up battery has gone in my heating and hot water controller. Every time the power goes off I have to spend ages resetting the timer. As I am doing work on the house and have to keep turning the power off this is getting a real nuisance.

I'm not sure how easy or difficult it is to replace the battery, which battery I need or where I can buy one. I've tried searching online and can't find any information at all about the battery (other than it has one!).

Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction as I want to avoid a huge bill from a plumber just to replace a battery.

Many thanks


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