by gavonto »
Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:26 pm
I would appreciate any advice with regards to re-building my ( & neighbours ) flat roof porch. What is left remaining of our old porch is a 4 by 2 inch wood that sits across the top of our front doors ( the wood is not flush with brick work ). It has to be extended out by about 2ft so that it can be supported by the existing 2 poles either side of property. Looks like a simple box formation is required with noggins for support. Have tried various carpenters from "Check-a-trade" ( flat roofers as well ) but either they don`t turn up or want to charge over £1200. ( to include hot lay as well). I was thinking of constructing the framework myself & then getting the felt to be laid professionally. Is this a good idea or do I keep looking for more carpenters?