by TwoSheds »
Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:13 am
Amazing that with such a common problem there is no established remedy.
I have a large Edwardian house with poor plasterwork and much artex so was faced with the same problem 20 years ago. The biggest concern ( if a property is old, has character and cornices ) is that any coating has to stick but can only be 2 or 3 mm above the existing surface otherwise you satert to get problems with mating correctly with existing edges.
Solution - and this works : Find a Plasterer that you can work with. Clean the wall first. Apply undiluted PVA to the surface. Apply a very wet coat of BONDING plaster. Just as the bonding is going off but is still wet apply a coat of HARDWALL ( finish ) plaster and polish as normal aswell as detail edge finish.
This is a very straight forward process and done correctly will safe much time, money and mess.