Hi, we have a double glazed mostly glass porch with a sealed plastic flat roof. It is hollow around one inch thick and with some kind of indulation. It has been dripping inside the porch where it meets the house brick wall. I discovered micro cracks on top where when pressed water oozed out. The entire insulation is obviously saturated.
I coveted the top of the roof with flashing tape and sealed whete it meets the walk facia. I am satisfied that it is now watertight.
I drilled three small holes in its cieling inside the porch hoping the eater would drain out, but all it's doing is vety slowly dripping, the insulation holding the water.
How can I dry out the insulation given that there is zero ventilation to it apart from the three small holes that I drilled. Or would it now be ok to seal the holes and leave it wet, given that we get zero temps in the Winter and it will freeze?