Hi. Hope someone can help please.
I have just been reading through the article on this site about changing TRVs
I have 17 rads in my house and have been looking at the new Hive smartphone controlled valves. However I still have 3 "control" valved rads that dont have TRVs.
I am pretty sure that this para in the article is what I mean.....
Building Regulations state that all new and modified wet central heating systems must have a TRV fitted to every radiator (apart from one where the room thermostat or programmable thermostat is installed, typically in the hall)
However since we had Hive installed, the room where the rads without TRV's are, don't of course have a heating thermostat control, as the hive thermostat control was put in another location.
So, my question is this - can the 3 rads with lockshield valves (I think they are called) be changed to TRVs, so the whole house has them?
Thank you. Hope I've explained it all OK.