Should I be painting or wallpapering?
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Should I be painting or wallpapering?

by Finn.Davis » Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:29 am

Hi folks,

I'm starting to think about decorating a few rooms in my house, I see it as mainly painting, maybe a bit of wallpapering here and there, feature walls etc

Is wallpaper in fashion these days? maybe I should just paint. Its quite a broad question, what do people think these days - just paint?

many thanks


Jack Burns
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Re: Should I be painting or wallpapering?

by Jack Burns » Thu Sep 17, 2020 7:47 pm

Ok call me weird, but I am into wallpaper, not always a whole room but maybe just one wall. Anyway I looked at peoples houses on RightMove for half an hour and counted 15%-20% of houses contained wallpaper.

So I would say paint but do a bit of wallpapering - I find putting up wallpaper is a bit addictive bit like tatoo's, I'm glad I'm not into tatoo's.

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Re: Should I be painting or wallpapering?

by brantelyolivia1320 » Mon Jan 23, 2023 6:26 am

Wallpaper is definitely still in fashion and can add a lot of visual interest to a room. However, it's ultimately a matter of personal preference. Some people prefer the clean and classic look of painted walls, while others enjoy the texture and patterns that wallpaper can bring to a space. It really depends on your taste and the overall design aesthetic you're going for in your home.

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