I'm doing a DIY install of a JIS ******* towel rail. The supplied chrome valves have a rubber olive (plus a brass washer and a brass split washer), rather than the normal brass compression joint I am used to. In which order and which way round should those three items be assembled ?
Secondly, the valve tail that screws into the towel rail seems quite a sloppy fit. The last rad I fitted had a tapered thread but this is straight. Is using PTFE tape going to be enought to seal that joint, or should I just use LSX instead (or as well as, though I think I read somewhere you should not mix the two).
Keen to get both of the above right as I don't want to have to drain down to fix if I later find a leak (the valve tail screws up with a hex key, so no way to tighten later without removing the vavle).