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Runny? window sealant

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 4:28 pm
by Danc
I have just moved into a new house with timber windows with 8 panes of about 170x240 in each. The previous owner wasnt much for cleaning so there is mould growth on the sills and timber etc. Also the windows appear to be sealed with a black flexible sealant around their edges and used to hold them in their frames which is still very flexible and is 'running' down the windows.

Does anyone know if this is OK or commmon and any ideas on fixing them and what materials / sealants should be used? With 132 panes to do i hope its simple!!

Many thanks

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:23 pm
by thedoctor
There are any number of glazing sealants, none of which should run down the windows I'm afraid. Applying a new sealant is not hard but getting the old stuff off may prove a little trickier. Usually we would recommend viewing our removing sealant project but if the stuff is that runny I'm not sure it would be any good. Maybe a sharp paint scraper would be better then wipe the residue off with a rag dipped in white spirit or even solvent thinners. Then use a suitable clear sealant such as the one in the link below. ... 071&m=1228