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Cracks in stairs skirting

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:31 pm
by Charvey1886
Wonder if anyone can help.

We moved into a new build house 3 years ago and we have cracks in the skirting up the stairs which is through the building settling.

I need to fill these and wondering what is best to use? Secondly, I assume I should then sand down the skirting then repaint, could you please also advise best kind of white gloss to use?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:31 pm
by rosebery
Cracks in the stringers themselves or cracks between the plaster and the stringer?

Which gloss? Dulux Trade High Gloss AFAIC. I'm hearing rave reviews about Crown Solo from others. Not tried it myself yet though.


Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:39 am
by localyokel
A common problem! You fill the gaps with a sealer, paint it all up and then two weeks later, another crack appears!

To get round this situation I have just simply bought lengths of suitable angeld beading and painted this to match the stairs and fitted this along the top of the stringer. I then never see the cracks when they appear!