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Metal guttering and leaks

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:34 pm
by kevski63
I have a house with metal guttering, and the welded joints on the downpipes have started to leak.
My question is, is there a product out there to re-seal the joints.I can solder but can not weld, and i'm not keen to go down that route as firstly i can't weld and secondly the fire risk of setting the loft and wood under the eaves alight is too much.
Any advice wiil be most gratefully recieved. :?

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:15 pm
by chris_on_tour2002
how big is the gap causing the leak? in the first instance i'd try silicone, just make sure that the area is clean and free from rust to ensure a good bond.

either that or consider changing the guttering for plastic. i don't think it would be a good idea to weld up a ladder near the soffits. solder is not likely to work.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:01 pm
by kevski63
thanks for your reply Chris and i think i'll go down the silicone route first like you advise.
Then gaps are just small cracks but the leaking is causing staining down the walls, but i'm confident with proper preperation silicone will do it.
Replacing all the metal guttering is something i want to avoid at all cost, as the house is quite large and it would cost a lot to replace.
thanks again for your reply


Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 6:17 pm
by chris_on_tour2002
no problem at all, glad to be of help. one further piece of advice which i should have included - for a more permanent seal use the silicone on both sides of the guttering, both inside the channel and underneath. and don't forget to make the area as clean as possible to ensure a good adhesion.