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Cistern pipe sealant when replacing loo fill and flush system

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 6:38 pm
by Elizabeth12
Hi, I would appreciate any help. I am practical and wish to install a new fill and flush system into a loo. My concern is my father installing the loo 10 years ago has covered the short pipe and connecter entering the cistern with layers of thick white rubbery sealant that I have had no luck removing with a Stanley knife. It is also tricky access as a wall is close to the side of loo pipe is on so am having to work from other side. Any help on how to remove would be really appreciated. It is like thick white rubber. Many thanks.

Re: Cistern pipe sealant when replacing loo fill and flush system

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 10:03 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi elizabeth12
It’s most likely silicone sealant which you should be able to trim using a sharp Stanley knife. Only remove as much as you need to to fit the new parts.
Regards S

Re: Cistern pipe sealant when replacing loo fill and flush system

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 10:01 am
by Elizabeth12
Many thanks for your help. Appreciated.