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Removing Silicone Residue

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 12:52 pm
by Kayl
I'm trying to update my downstairs toilet and have removed a large mirror and most of the silicone from the wall, but i'm now stuck with lots of silicone residue which I can not get off. I've found the most effective thing so far has been white vinegar but the wall is large textured tiles and the residue is stuck between the grooves. My plan was to paint directly onto the tiles but I need the residue gone completely first.

Re: Removing Silicone Residue

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2023 3:39 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi kayl
You could try a proprietary silicone remover but if the residue is thin enough use an abrasive powder which should work. It will need elbow grease!

Regards S