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Relax in Building Regulations and Building a 2 Story Extension - How Feasible?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:19 pm
by worktopsorg
I live in a mid terraced house. A previous neighbor installed a huge conservatory next door that blocks out all of the light to my kitchen. it has frosted glass on the side facing my property.

i understand that the building regs on extensions have been relaxed and wondered if i could build a 2 story extension? It would obviously need to face back and not have windows that 'overlook' their property.

Any idea of this is feasible?


Re: Relax in Building Regulations and Building a 2 Story Extension - How Feasible?

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:20 am
by welsh brickie
The only way to find that out is to submit an outline plan of what you propose to the planning department.
you will need to draw a plan from a birds eye view with the plan diamensions with a compass direction, then a veiw of what it is going to look like from each angle.just going to the planning office with a small undetailed plan will be rejected.
or you can hire an architect to draw it for you

Re: Relax in Building Regulations and Building a 2 Story Extension - How Feasible?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 11:16 am
by michaelbailey
many people are confused with this relaxation of permitted dev. building regulations have never been relaxed and never will be they are for structural stability and safety. permitted dev. is a planning issue