Building on top of a Drive and a Garden
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Building on top of a Drive and a Garden

by Tokyorob1977 » Sat Jul 27, 2019 7:38 pm

Hi All,
Probably a random one but why not ask?
I have a house in London with a driveway and next to it is a small (unused) path. next to that is the back or our neighbors house. I wanted to buy part of the back garden so I can either put a side extension or a small house if there is enough space.
1.Am I allowed to buy a slice someones garden?
2. Is there a limit they need to keep?
3 depending on the pathway ( unable too find who it belongs to) how narrow and tall can a house be?
4. Is the whole idea pointless?

Apologies if the images are small. It wouldn't let me upload any bigger

The council wont help unless i book a meeting and pay loads of cash.
Screenshot 2019-07-27 at 19.43.36.png
Screenshot 2019-07-27 at 19.43.27.png
Screenshot 2019-07-27 at 19.43.07.png

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