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Porch design for porch between 2 bay windows

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:17 pm
by Chrisryal
Evening all,

How would you design a porch to look good between the two bay windows?

House is terraced in a row of 4 with different features on each of the 4 houses (some no bay windows, some two, some one, etc).

We have an architectural designer doing the plans so will obviously take guidance from him but I cannot think how to link a porch between the bays that looks good. The main roofline above being stepped complicates things.....

All ideas welcome

Total area between bays is 6m2. Bays project 1.5m from house front.

Pre-planning consultation has suggested projecting the porch beyond the bays would be viewed unfavourably (change appearance of terrace etc).


Re: Porch design for porch between 2 bay windows

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 1:53 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi chrisryal
Linking the two bays will look terrible. Stick with extending the bay window roof over to the boundary between the two houses.
Regards S