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Summerhouse build, door frame questions

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 1:42 pm
by Jocarl011

Looking for some advice fitting a door to my summer house build. I was given an external door, large double glazed heavy thing. It has the stop trim all around the outside so I’m assuming I won’t need a stop fitting to any door frame I make?
The summer house is being made with 3x2 studs with 600 centres, 18mm OSB 3 on the outside and inside. Shiplap to finish. Will I need a frame for the door or can I just fix the door straight to the studwork?? Same for the windows too….. I’ve not built the front at all yet by the way.


Re: Summerhouse build, door frame questions

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 10:34 pm
by stoneyboy
Hi jocarl011,
The door will need a frame and door stops, the windows can be fitted direct between studs.
Regards S