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Woodworm in joists / beams

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:58 pm
by luash
Hi there,

We were replacing floorboards after we had central heating installed as the installer had butchered both the floorboards and joists. I've noticed that there is quite extensive woodworm and though it's inactive (that's been checked) the top of the joists are quite crumbly... Is this something I need to be worried about and should I be getting them strengthened or replaced?

Thanks for your help,


Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 10:32 pm
by rosebery
Once the holes appear the little perishers have gone - the holes are how they get out. What you will not be able to see is the extensive internal damage to the timber caused by their tunnelling activities.

The answer is yes - you should either replace the damaged sections or fix another joist alongside the damaged one or replace the whole damaged joist.
