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Fixing Mono A trusses

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:44 am
by Greg40
I am wanting to fix a series of Mono A trusses across the front of my house to give a tiled covered walkway from the garage to the front door.
There is already a flat roof piece about 15 in wide but I want to have a tiled piece about 4 foot wide
How do I fasten the trusses to the wall at the top, there is a batton already in position to rest the trusses on.
Regards Greg

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 12:03 pm
by thedoctor
No safe way to answer this on line Greg. Tiled trusses weigh a great deal and we would not be comfortable suggesting anything with seeing it. You can pay a local builder for a couple of hours of his time to give you some ideas. It will allow you to do the job yourself, but safely.