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Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:25 pm
by novice2start
Hi All
I have been looking to buy a new or used double solid wood gates for my driveway. I have a small son and 2 dogs so in urgent and desperate need. Unfortunately, they are all very expensive even on places like ebay. Because of this i have decided to TRY and build a set myself.
I am fairly new to DIY so far from an expert and in need of some real help and advice. my driveway sizes are as follows:

total width of driveway 6ft 5(so gates to fit after posts fixed)
height required approx 6ft.

Could anybody tell me approx how much it would cost to make and the best (on a tight budget) materials to use.
As i mentioned any help and advice is more than welcome

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:04 pm
by stoneyboy
You will probably find that if you try to make a copy of a gate available through fence retailers the materials alone will cost more than you can buy the gate for.