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dressing batheoom sink

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:33 pm
by smudge
Hi can anyone help me.

the flat i have jus moved into has had some work done in it but a fair bit of cosmetic stuff is still unfinished.

The bathroom sink is free standing in a small closet area type space. I have doors to hang underneath but am stuck as how to measure and cut round the sink to fit a top? Basically how do i measure a circle?

Any help would be gratefully received, as i can get it done before my girlfriend moves in!!

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 9:25 am
by Oddbod
Hi, I'm sorry, but it isn't totally clear what you are trying to do – probably hence the lack of replies.

Usually sinks are designed to either be free standing, or sit in a cabinet. Sounds like what you want to do is fit a cabinet around a free standing sink. If so, the short answer is that you'll probably never get it either to look quite right, or to be resistant to water running down the edge of the sink. Replacing the sink is the best bet.

That said, probably the best way is to use thick cardboard to cut a number of templates until you get one to fit as you want it – a fiddly job I'm afraid. There are other ways, but without knowing your situation exactly, it's difficult to advise


Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 9:56 pm
by smudge
thanks oddbod for yourreply

Your right i've not made myself clear at all!!

It is a free standing sink in my bathroom and i need to build a surround. a mate had said about the templates so i know in my head what i need to do.

I'll keep you al posted with pics etc if i can!
