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External Door Stop Metal Batton Removal After Conservatory Installation

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 8:55 pm
by vader7773
In the house we have just moved into the previous owners have added a conservatory. The door that was the back door is now an internal door and embded in the wooden door sill is a metal baton jutting upwards about 3/4". This was used to seal the door from drafts and the weather when the door was external but now the door is internal and the kids keep stubbing their toes on the metal.

How can I remove either the metal piece or then entire wooden sill and replace it with an internal, flat door thing??

Many thanks

Re: External Door Stop Metal Batton Removal After Conservatory Installation

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:39 am
by proptech
Problem is that the sides of the frame are morticed into the sill, and the steel bar extends into the sides.
An internal door lining is entirely different in construction. What I would do if it were mine is remove the lot, make good the wall and fit a new internal lining, packed out if required, and a new door.

If you were to cut out the existing sill, you would probably find the rest of the frame needing extra support and fixing

Re: External Door Stop Metal Batton Removal After Conservatory Installation

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 6:28 pm
by vader7773
Hi Proptech,

i had wondered why it had not been done when the concervatory was built. I guess the extra effort and cost explains it.i think i will go with your first option.

thanks for the reply!